
You deserve to be heard.

Polu Kai is a video and media production studio serving our Hawai’i community. Our mission is simple; empower local businesses, artists, entrepreneurs, and community to tell their stories and connect with their audience through the power of video and visual media. Through capturing the raw emotion and authenticity of the world and the human condition, we aim to merge the collective stories into an exhibition of both the uniqueness and interconnectedness that we all share.

We don't just create videos; we craft captivating narratives that capture your essence and resonate with your audience. Every project we do is catered to your individual needs.

Let’s ride the waves together!

How can we help?

Have any inquiries or comments? We would love to talk more about how we can help. Please fill out the contact form and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can!

We’re here to help share your story and build your brand, and we look forward to hearing from you!
